Configuring and using equal employment opportunity (EEO) questions

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin
Permissions • Manage candidate surveys
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Our EEO features allow you to gain a complete picture of your candidate demographics. You can both display EEO questions on your job postings and survey candidates who don't apply through your Lever-hosted job site. U.S. federal government contractors are required to collect EEO data for OFCCP compliance purposes, but if your company doesn't contract with the government you can still use this functionality to track and measure diversity hiring efforts.

Enabling EEO questions

You must be an Admin or Super Admin to configure these settings. To add EEO questions to your job postings:

  • Navigate to Settings > Company > Surveys tab
  • Scroll down to the 'Equal employment opportunity (EEO)' section
  • Click Configure next to the 'Enable EEO questions' checkbox, and a new window will pop up

Lever company settings showing Equal employment opportunity section with arrow pointing to Enable EEO questions on job applications checked blue.

For non-U.S. federal contractors, select No under the first question. Then select which questions you' would like to display on your job posting application form. If you choose to enable the survey, the same questions will appear on the survey.

EEO question settings with arrow pointing to no and which EEO questions would you like to ask

For U.S. federal contractors, select Yes under the first question. Then select whether you would like the EEO questions to be displayed in a long or shortened format.


In late April 2023, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved OFCCP’s revised Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability Form (CC-305) which is updated with the preferred language for disabilities and to include additional examples of disabilities.

Lever has made the necessary changes to the EEO survey form to reflect OFCCP’s updates. If you are a federal contractor who has configured the EEO survey, going forward all your applicants and sourced candidates will encounter the updated version of the OFCCP survey form.

EEO qustion settings with arrow pointing to yes and short version

The long version will show race descriptions on the job application form.

Race section of application form showing long version with all descriptions

The short version will initially hide the descriptions and allow candidates to expand the full question.

Race section of application form showing short version with full descriptions expanded

After you have configured your federal contractor status and questions, click the blue Next button.

Designate the job posting locations for which you want to display the EEO questions. EEO questions should only be asked on U.S.-based postings. For multi-location job postings, EEO surveys will display based on the primary location of the posting or the preferred location for the candidate. See full details below in the multi-location postings section.


EEO questions will be enabled by default for any newly added locations in your company settings. You will need to disable them if you don't want EEO questions to appear for a new location.

Configure EEO locations section in Lever Company settings with four locations checked blue.

Click the blue Update button to save your changes. The EEO questionnaire will now appear on all of your published and internal job postings.

Multi-location postings

For multi-location postings, the EEO survey will be presented to applicants based on either the preferred location for the candidate or the primary location of the job posting. For multi-location postings, applicants can specify a location from the preferred location question on the application page. If the EEO survey is configured for the preferred location, the survey will be dynamically rendered at the end of the application for the applicant to complete.

Lever job application page with preferred location question with the question What location are you applying for and location dropdown.

If the applicant does not select a location, the EEO survey will appear if it is configured for the job posting's primary location. View full details on primary and secondary locations in our help article on creating and managing multi-location postings.

For candidates added to Lever manually (they are non-applicants), they can receive the EEO survey via email based on the opportunity location selected by the recruiter. If no location is selected, the survey will trigger based on the primary location of the posting, provided the primary location was configured for the EEO survey. Learn more about how to take advantage of this functionality in our help article on sending EEO questions to sourced, referred, and agency-submitted candidates.

Sending the EEO survey to non-applicants

Lever's EEO features allow you to gain a complete picture of your candidate demographics. In addition to displaying EEO questions on your job postings, we enable you to survey and collect diversity information from candidates who do not apply through your Lever-hosted job site, such as sourced candidates and referrals. Learn more about how to take advantage of this functionality in our help article on sending EEO questions to sourced, referred, and agency-submitted candidates.

Exporting answers to EEO questions

Super Admins on your team can export the results from your EEO/OFCCP survey.

  • Navigate to Visual Insights via the platform header.
  • Click the Exports icon (⇩) in the left-side navigation and select EEO/OFCCP from the export menu.
  • Select either the 'Anonymized' or 'Non-anonymized' data set from the tabs at the top of the page, and define the parameters for the export.
  • For more information on exporting EEO data and the fields included, please refer to our help article on Visual Insights exports.


You can also find a complete visual breakdown of the responses to your EEO survey in the Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO) dashboard in Visual Insights. Our help article on the EEO dashboard explains how to use this tool to understand the complete picture of your candidate demographics.
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