Adding custom application questions to job postings

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member
Permissions • Create and edit postings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Lever makes it easy to add custom questions to your job posting application. You can create unique or sets of questions to re-use across multiple job postings. Note that this article covers adding existing  custom application questions from your Lever environment to job postings. To learn more about how Super Admin and Admin users can configure these questions, refer to our help article on configuring your Lever application form.

Adding custom application questions to job postings

Users with at least Team Member access or 'Create and edit postings' permissions can add custom application questions during the job posting creation process. Before proceeding, note that Lever's resume-parsing technology automatically captures essential candidate information, including email address, previous employers, and contact information. Keep this in mind when adding custom application questions so you are not capturing the same information more than once. 

To add custom application questions:

  • Open an existing or create a new job posting
  • In the Posting step of the posting editor, click the Add Custom Questions drop-down menu

Lever job posting editor with arrow pointing to + Add Custom Questions button in the custom application questions section.

The dropdown menu will contain any custom application questions or sets of questions that have been created in your LeverTRM environment. 

  • Click a question or question set to add it to the job posting

Custom application questions section showing search bar and dropdown list of results.

Assigning internal vs external custom application questions

In a single job posting available both internally and externally, you can configure different application questions for internal and external applicants. To configure differentiated custom questions: 

  • In the job posting editor, click ‘All Applications’ to reveal the Application drop down menu
  • Select 'All Applications', 'External Applications', or 'Internal Applications'

Custom application questions section showing search bar and dropdown list of results.

Removing custom application questions from a job posting

If you wish to remove a custom question from a posting:

  • Click the trash can icon with Remove questions

Note that this only removes the question from the job posting. It will not remove the custom question (or question set) from your LeverTRM environment and it will still appear in the list of available custom application questions.

Custom application questions section with arrow pointing to Remove questions button.

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