Sending emails on behalf of another Lever user (via 'Send For' permission)

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Permissions • Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Lever's 'Send For' feature allows you to send emails on behalf of other users in your Lever environment including recruiters, hiring managers, and executives. 'Send For' permissions allow you to diversify your outreach strategy by enabling collaboration across your organization's whole talent acquisition function.

How 'Send For' permissions work

When you have been given 'Send For' permission from another user in your Lever environment, you will be able to send emails on behalf of that user via Lever. The name of the user will appear as an option in the sender field of the email composition window.

Email composition window with Send For options highlighted in sender menu

When you send an email on behalf of another user, the email will reside in that user's sent folder. You will not receive a copy of the sent email. If/when a candidate responds to the email, the reply will appear in the inbox of the user on behalf of which the email was sent. You will receive a notification that the candidate has responded.

The 'Send For' function can be used when sending the following types of emails:

  • Individual one-off emails
  • Bulk emails
  • Emails sent as part of a bulk archiving action
  • Emails sent as part of a Nurture campaign

Note that it is not possible to send emails on behalf of another user as part of an automation workflow.

Requesting a 'Send For' permission

To request 'Send For permission:

  • Navigate to Settings > My account, scroll to the 'Send For' heading, and click the + Request Send For button

Request Send For button in Lever Settings

  • Select a Lever user from the menu and click the Send Request button
    • You can only request 'Send For' permission from users with at least Limited Team Member access.

Request Send For configuration field with user menu.

The user will receive an email notifying them that you have requested a 'Send For' permission.

Email received by user for which Send For permission was requested, with button to sign in and approve or reject.

Clicking the link in the email will bring the user to their Lever Settings where they can accept or reject the request.

Send For section in Lever Settigns with prompt to approve or reject request.

Best practices for using 'Send For' permissions

We highly recommend setting up a clear and detailed communication plan with anyone for which you plan on using a 'Send For' permission. When defining your communication plan, be sure to set guidelines around who will be responsible for following up with a candidate if/when they respond to an email sent on behalf of the user that provided the 'Send For' permission, with the goal of maintaining a cohesive and streamlined candidate experience.

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