Enabling and using the Betts Connect integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The Betts Connect integration with Lever submits candidates that have accepted a pitch request from Betts Connect to the linked candidate opportunity in Lever. With the integration enabled, the progress of these candidates is monitored as they move through the hiring stages and updates Betts Connect with these changes.

Table of Contents

  1. Enabling the integration between Betts Connect and Lever
  2. Using the integration between Betts Connect and Lever

Enable the integration between Betts Connect and Lever

Please note

The following steps can only be completed by those with Super Admin level access in Lever.

Generate API Key in Lever

  1. Navigate to the Integrations and API section in Lever Settings
  2. Locate "Betts Connect" in the Sourcing section of the list, click on the integration toggle to expand the card, and click the Generate new key button. 
  3. Copy the API key and keeping it somewhere safe. This is the one and only time that this specific API key will be accessible. If you lose the key, you can disable the integration toggle and repeat steps 1 and 2 to generate a new one.

Betts Connect integration card exapnded in Integrations and API page of Lever Settings. Arrow points to Generate new key button.

Generate a Webhook signing token in Lever

  1. Staying on the Integrations and API section, click the "Webhooks" tab at the top of the page. In the Webhook configuration list, scroll to the "Candidate Stage Change" toggle, click the + Add webhook button beneath it and copy the signature token in the card that appears.

Candidate Stage Change webhook card expanded in Lever Settings with arrow pointing to unique signature token that has been generated.

Configure the integration in Betts Connect

In your Betts Connect account, select Integrate ATS from the menu in the upper-right corner.

Close up of menu in upper right corner of Betts Connect account wiht Integrate ATS option circled.

  1. Select Lever from the ATS Integrations menu

ATS integrations block in Betts Connect with Lever listed as available option.

  1. Input the API Key and Webook signing token in the corresponding fields. You will also need to specify which Lever users will own candidates submitted by Betts Connect.
  2. Copy the Webhook Endpoint URL in Betts Connect, aligned to the right of the fields you filled out in step 3.

Configure Lever Integration block in Betts Connect with fields for API Key and Webhook signing token. Webhook Endpoint URL field is also populated in the right side of the block.

Complete the configuration in Lever

  1. Navigate back to the "Webhooks" tab in the Integrations and API section of your Lever Settings.
  2. Paste the Webhook Endpoint URL that you copied from Betts Connect into the URL field beneath the "Candidate Stage Change" toggle in the Webhook configuration list.
  3. Flip the "Candidate Stage Change" toggle into the on position.

Candidate stage change webhook turned to on.

Using the integration between Betts Connect and Lever

Ensure the enablement steps above are completed. When creating a new job or editing an existing job in Betts Connect, you can link to a Lever job. The dialog will allow you to scroll or search Lever Jobs.

Job creation modal in Betts Connect with Link to job drop-down menu expanded.

Candidates that have accepted a pitch request from Betts Connect will be linked to the correct candidate Opportunity in Lever.

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