Enabling and using the Sterling RISQ integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

In a seamless enhanced integration, recruiters can initiate background check case, receive status and results in Lever, without even having to visit the Sterling RISQ screening portal; the only exception being the detailed screening reports that are hosted by Sterling RISQ.


Workflow diagram between sterling and Lever

At a high level, the Lever-Sterling RISQ integration will initiate a Background Check order in Sterling when a candidate is moved to a particular stage in Lever. Upon stage change, Lever will send candidate details to Sterling and Sterling will send an email to the candidate to add additional information and complete the background check. The status of the screening will be captured in Lever as tags as the screening proceeds. Displaying the screening results as Lever tags is supported as well and configurable. Once the background check is completed, Lever will update the candidate profile with a Sterling-gated link to the background check report and can optionally move the candidate to another stage in Lever.

Enable the Sterling RISQ integration

Summary of steps

The following list summarizes the steps to set up integration users in Lever:

  1. Generate Lever API Key
  2. Generate a Webhook signing token
  3. Share Lever API Key and Webhook signing token in a secure manner with your Sterling Account Manager. 

Generate Lever API Key

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API and locate the Sterling RISQ integration toggle under the 'Background and reference checks' heading
  • Click on the integration toggle to expand the card, and click the Generate new key button

Sterling integration section in Lever settings showing list of permissions and generate new key button

  • Copy the API key and keep it somewhere safe. This is the one and only time that this API key will be accessible. If you lose the key, you can disable the integration toggle, and repeat the previous steps to generate a new one. Please share the API key with Sterling team.

Generate a webhook signing token

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks
  • Enable the Candidate Stage Change toggle then add Sterling webhook URL; scroll down click Verify Connection

Lever webhook configuration page showing green candidate stage toggle on

Lever webhook configuration page showing green candidate stage toggle on and verify connection button highlighted

  • Once connection is made, Lever will generate a signature token; which you must then share with the Sterling team

Lever webhook configuration page with signature token highlighted

Using the Sterling RISQ integration

Summary of the integration workflow:

  1. Recruiter submits the Background Check case by providing the name, phone number, email ID, and background check package of the candidate.
  2. After fetching Background Check & Candidate information, Sterling RISQ creates the Background Check case. The status of the Background Check case in Lever is updated to “New”.
  3. The candidate receives an email containing a URL to the candidate portal. The candidate must visit the candidate portal and provide all the information necessary to process the Background Check case.
  4. Sterling RISQ posts the updated status to Lever. The Background Check case status in Lever changes to 'In Progress'.
  5. Once the Background Check case is complete, Sterling RISQ posts back the updated status, score and report URL. The status is updated to 'Completed' in the Lever. The report URL contains the full results and is hosted by Sterling RISQ.
  6. The score in the Lever is displayed after the completion of all the elements within the Background Check case.

View Background Check case status and score

Once the Background Check case is complete, Sterling RISQ posts back the updated status, score and report URL. The status is updated to 'Completed' in the Lever. The report URL contains the full results and is hosted by Sterling RISQ.

The results page will show following:

  • Status = Completed
  • Reference number = Sterling RISQ Background Check Case Number
  • Results Score = Case Score
  • Results Report = Sterling RISQ Report URL
  • Completed Date= Date of the order completion.

Lever candidate profile showing reference check in notes tab

Status and scores

Statuses supported by Sterling RISQ and Lever

The status, score, and report URL can be found in the 'Notes' section of the candidate profile.

Status in Sterling RISQ Description Status in Lever
Ordered Background Check Case is initiated. Awaiting Candidate to complete Candidate Portal. New
Error The Background Check Case screening request errored out or expired during processing.  Error
Case Submitted Candidate receives the invite and submits the information in Sterling RISQ Candidate Portal. Case Submitted
In Progress Background Check Case fulfillment has begun. In Progress
Completed Background Check Cases is fulfilled. Completed


Scores supported by Sterling RISQ and Lever

The following table lists the scores supported by the Sterling RISQ and Lever:

Status in Sterling RISQ Score in Sterling RISQ Score in Lever
Completed Verified Clear Verified Clear
Completed Alert Found  Alert Found
Completed Clear-In-Scope Elements Clear-In-Scope Elements
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