Creating and using job posting templates

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin
Permissions • Manage job sites
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Job posting templates can be used by your recruitment team to build job postings, helping you maintain the consistency and efficiency of the creation process. You can set up a standardized text paragraphs and fields that can be used when creating to job postings. For more information on the posting creation process, refer to our help article on creating and managing job postings.

Creating job posting templates

To create posting templates, navigate to Settings > Job Site > Posting Templates.

Here you will find a list of your Job posting templates, which you can search and sort alphabetically, edited by, and date edited. 

Job Posting templates tab.png

  • Click the Add template button.

Add template button.png

You can choose to make a template from scratch or copy a template from an existing job posting or template.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 9.21.06 AM.png

In the Job Posting Template editor, fill out the fields. When using the template in a job posting, additional details can be added to the blank text boxes in each section of the posting editor.

  • Name (required): This will appear in the list of job posting templates
  • Opening: This is an opening information to your job description, best for general information about your team or company culture, for example. 
  • List: Outline specific details, requirements and/or responsibilities for the role. You can add multiple lists.
  • Salary range and description: Input minimum and maximum amounts, along with currency and payment interval. Note that some inputs will prevent your posting from being pushed to job boards - learn more in our help article on configuring salary range on job postings.
  • Closing: This is an closing information to your job description.  

Custom application questions.png

  • Custom Application questions

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  • Click Create job posting template.

Using job posting templates

Whenever you or a member of your recruiting team creates or edits a job posting, you can fill in the posting fields manually or insert a template.

As of the 2024 Spring release, job posting templates are no longer location and department/team-specific. Templates that were originally created before the Spring release will remain in your templates list, and can be applied when creating any job posting, regardless of which location or department/team the job posting is configured for. 

  • Click the Template button
  • Click a job posting template from the dropdown list
    • As of the 2024 Spring release, job posting templates are no longer location and department/team-specific. Templates that were originally created before the Spring release will remain in your templates list, and can be applied when creating any job posting, regardless of which location or department/team the job posting is configured for. 

Template menu.png

The job posting fill with the job posting template information. These fields are not editable. Additional details can be added to the blank text boxes in each section, as well as lists and custom application questions.

Job Posting with template.png

Continue filling out the job posting details. For full information refer to our help article on creating and managing job postings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I delete a job posting template already used in published job posting?

The published job posting will remain as-is, no content from the template is from the job posting.  

What happens to my templates from before the Spring 2024 release?
As of the 2024 Spring release, job posting templates are no longer location and department/team-specific. Templates that were originally created before the Spring release will remain in your templates list, and can be applied when creating any job posting, regardless of which location or department/team the job posting is configured for. 
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