Enabling the Adobe Sign e-signature integration

Available for Roles Super Admin
Permissions • Manage API credentials and manage integrations
Packages LeverTRM for Enterprise, Advanced Automation add-on

Electronic signing allows candidates to quickly sign offer letters. Enabling the Adobe Sign integration will help to expedite your hiring process and keep offer letters in your company’s central document platform.

Before proceeding, please note the following...

  • The only information that a candidate can submit via Adobe Sign is their signature. No other candidate placeholders can be utilized with Adobe Sign.
  • Adobe Sign’s Enterprise plan is required for this integration (this plan may be listed as 'Professional' depending on the device you are using to access Adobe Sign).
  • The Adobe Sign integration is only available for customers on the LeverTRM for Enterprise package or with the Advanced Automation add-on. For customers on Lever's legacy package model, this integration is available on the Pro and Enterprise packages. If you have any questions about your Lever package, please reach out to Lever Support.
  • Only one e-signature integration can be enabled within a Lever account. If you are currently using DocuSign and are switching to Adobe Sign, please finish sending all in-progress offers before enabling Adobe Sign.

Enabling the Adobe Sign integration

In order to enable the Adobe Sign integration, you must have...

  • Super Admin access in Lever
  • Product Administrator permission and System Administrator permission in Adobe Sign

To enable the Adobe Sign integration...

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API, scroll to the 'E-signature' section, and click the Adobe Sign toggle.

Integrations and API page in Lever Settings with arrow point to Adobe Sign toggle.

  • Click the Authenticate with Adobe Sign button.

Arrow pointing to Authenticate with Adobe Sign button on Adobe Sign integration tile in Lever Settings.

  • You will be taken to Adobe Sign, where you will be prompted to enter your login credentials. Do so, and then click the Sign In button.

Adobe Sign sign in page.


The email address in your Adobe Sign credentials must match the email address associated with your Lever account.
  • Once your Adobe Sign credentials have been verified, the Adobe Sign toggle will turn blue to indicate that the integration is now active.

Close up of green Adobe Sign integration toggle in Lever Settings.


Sending an offer with an Adobe Sign e-signature field

If you are new to using offers in Lever, make sure to check out our help article on creating offers. You may also want to read our offer letter template guidelines.

During the offer creation process, a placeholder for an Adobe Sign signature link will be added to the default offer email template. You can use this placeholder anywhere in the body of the offer email, and edit the text "here" as you see fit.

Offer letter email editor with arrow pointing to Adobe Sign link placeholder and powered by Adobe Sign circled underneath email body field.

On the last step of the process, you will see the placeholder in the offer preview, as shown below.

Offer letter preview with arrow pointing to Adobe Sign link placeholder and powered by Adobe Sign circled underneath email body field.

The candidate will receive the offer email from the person who created the offer. After clicking on the link, they they will be taken to Adobe Sign, and they will sign in the location of the signature placeholder.

Close up of candidate signature field in Adobe Sign.

Company signatories can only sign an offer letter after the candidate has signed. The signatory will receive an email notification from the Adobe Sign account holder.


Account holders can edit their name via their profile settings in Adobe Sign.

After opening the Adobe Sign link, the signatory will be prompt to add their signature in the highlighted field.

Company signatory field in Adobe Sign.

Both the candidate and the Adobe Sign account holder will receive copies of the signed document. If there is a company signatory, they will receive the signed document as well. The date that the candidate signed an offer will be captured in a timestamp on the offer letter. An audit log will also be attached to the signed offer letter and sent to the candidate and employees, showing a record of any time the offer letter was opened and/or signed.

Troubleshooting issues with the Adobe Sign integration

Authentication error when enabling/re-enabling the integration

Adobe Sign may list a user as having administrator privileges when that is not actually the case. If you encounter an authentication error when attempting to enable or re-enable the Adobe Sign integration, contact Adobe Support to confirm that administrator privileges have been set up correctly for your account.

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