Enabling and using the Indeed Candidate Sync integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • Manage API credentials and manage integrations
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Indeed’s Candidate Sync integration will save you time by automatically syncing candidates who have applied to your jobs posted on Indeed to Lever automatically.

Note that this integration is different than Lever's Indeed Apply integration. Instructions for how to set up and use the Indeed Apply integration can be found in our Indeed Apply help article.

To use the Candidate Sync integration:

  1. The job must be hosted directly on Indeed or posted to Indeed via Enable Indeed Apply. This integration is for transferring candidates from jobs managed on the Indeed Employer dashboard, not jobs managed on Lever that are using the Indeed Apply integration.
  2. Your account must be opted in to Indeed Integrations Hub. If you do not have Integrations listed in the dropdown menu detailed in step one below, please reach out to your Indeed account representative. For guidance, refer to these instructions for contacting Indeed.

Setting up the Indeed Candidate Sync integration


You must be a team or organization with admin rights in Indeed to install this integration.

Step 1

  • Automate your candidate export from Indeed to Lever by selecting the account dropdown in Indeed located in the top right corner
  • Click Integrations; this will take you to the Integrations Hub

Indeed Integrations Hub

Step 2

  • Select the Lever logo from the list of ATS partners

Lever logo outlined on ATS partners list in Indeed

  • On the integration detail page, you will see sections for additional Lever integrations [Job Sync (XML) and Indeed Apply Sync].
  • Scroll down to the section on Indeed’s Candidate Sync; click Install

Install button outlined on Candidate Sync tile on integration detail page in Indeed

Step 3

  • To finish connecting to Lever, enter your email address and select the box that authorizes Indeed access to my ATS account
  • Click Verify credentials
  • You will be asked to log into your Lever admin account

Install integration modal with fields for user email and source name

  • Review the list of requested permissions; click Accept
  • You will be asked to select an Opportunity Stage and an Opportunity Tag. We recommend configuring the Opportunity Tag as ”Indeed Candidate Sync” or something similar to help identify candidates synced to Lever via the integration.

Install Integration modal with dropdown fields for opportunity stage and opportunity tag

  • Click Finish to complete the integration installation

If you encounter any issues setting up the integration, please reach out to your Indeed Client Success representative by following these instructions for contacting Indeed and ask them to file an Integration Request Case for support.

Using the Indeed Candidate Sync integration

Connecting a job hosted on Indeed to my Lever job posting

Step 1

  • Once installation is complete, navigate to the Jobs dashboard within your Indeed account and locate the job posting from which you would like applications to sync.

Jobs dashboard in Indeed with arrow pointing to pop over extending from job listing that reads Send applicants to your ATS.

Step 2

  • Click the link icon and follow the prompts to set up Candidate Sync for that job.
  • You can also select the “Export existing candidates” option to push all existing candidates to Lever. 

Link Indeed job to Lever modal with cursor over Lever requisition dropdown menu.

Step 3

  • You can easily link multiple jobs by checking the boxes next to the jobs you want to transfer on the left hand side of the screen. Once you have all your jobs selected, click the Link jobs to ATS button on the top right corner of the page.

Checkboxes selected next to multiple job listings on Indeed jobs dashboard; arrows point to checkboxes and Link to your ATS button at the top of the dashboard.

  • This will bring you to a page that allows you to link all selected jobs into Lever.

If you experience errors with installation or candidate import, please reach out to your Indeed Account Manager or Client Success representative by following these instructions for contacting Indeed.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between this integration and the Indeed Feed and Indeed Apply Integration?

The Indeed Feed and Indeed Apply integration send the jobs you post in Lever to Indeed via an XML file and provide the job seeker with a seamless application process without ever having to leave Indeed. When a candidate applies, all their information is automatically sent back to Lever.

Indeed’s Candidate Sync integration is for clients who post jobs directly on Indeed, or jobs that are managed on Indeed via the Jobs Dashboard. Normally when candidates apply to Indeed-posted jobs, they are stored in your Indeed account. Candidate Sync will allow you to easily transfer candidates in one of two ways:

  1. Link an Indeed-posted job to a Lever posting and automatically transfer candidates that apply back into Lever
  2. Manually push candidates from your Indeed Dashboard into a Lever posting.
Why would I need this integration if I have Indeed Apply through the Indeed Feed?

Candidate Sync is not meant to replace the Indeed Apply integration. It is an additional tool clients can use to easily move candidates from Indeed-posted jobs into Lever.

Do I need to log back into Indeed to push candidates to Lever every time there I get new candidates in my Indeed dashboard?

No. When you link an Indeed-posted job to a Lever job posting, you are able to import all candidates that currently exist for the posting, as well as any future candidates that apply.

Will I get the candidate’s resume attachment?

Yes, if there is a resume present for that candidate, it will also be uploaded to Lever. Additionally, if there is a resume included, information from the resume will be parsed into the candidate record.

Why do candidates that I have imported through Candidate Sync have an Indeed-related email address?

Currently, Indeed’s Candidate Sync only has the capability to provide Indeed-related email addresses. Feedback regarding this limitation has been provided back to Indeed and they are taking it into consideration when planning future updates to this integration.

How do I de-duplicate candidates if I don’t have their real email addresses?

In order for Lever to sync any duplicate candidates, you will need to manually replace the candidate’s real email address from Indeed and into the candidate record within Lever.

I had screener questions on my Indeed-posted job. Will the candidate’s answers be transferred to Lever as well?

Unfortunately, screener question information will not be imported into Lever. Indeed is hoping to add this as a feature enhancement in the future.


Disabling the Indeed Candidate Sync integration

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API
  • Under the 'Authorized Apps' tab, locate the Indeed Candidate Sync app
  • Click Revoke access to disable the integration
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