Available for | Roles | Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member Can only be configured by Super Admins |
Packages | Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise |
Find and engage top talent faster with Lever’s sourcing integration with Teamable.
Setup couldn’t be easier. Here’s how to enable the integration in less than a minute:
- You must be a Super Admin to enable this integration.
- Go to Lever’s integrations settings page.
- Click the toggle next to Teamable’s logo.
- Generate an API key for that integration partner. You'll be able to see exactly which actions the integration with Teamable will authorize.
- Grab the newly generated API key from Lever:
- After you have this key, contact Teamable's support team to get set up! We recommend sharing the API key with their team over the phone, as email is an insecure method. Once you've connected Teamable with Lever, here's how the integration will work:
- After you've found a candidate you like and a user accepts and sends off your message to the candidate, this will create a brand new candidate profile in the “New Lead” section of your Lever pipeline. Open up the profile, and you’ll see that the candidate will be automatically tagged with the name of the sourcing tool and the origin will be set as “Sourced.”