Understanding resume parsing

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Permissions • Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Resume parsing helps streamline and simplify the collection of candidate information. Lever’s resume parser will add information from the resume to the candidate's profile including their name, organization, and contact details. For full details on managing candidate files, refer to our help article on adding and deleting resumes.

How resume parsing works

When a resume is parsed, readable information from the resume is automatically pulled into corresponding fields on the candidate profile (e.g. name, work history, contact information). In the image below, you can see how fields on the candidate profile are auto-populated based on the content of the uploaded resume.

Live image of a resume file being dragged into a candidate profile in Lever; candidate name, work history, and contact information populates on the profile.

Accepted file types

Lever is able to parse the following file types:

  • Microsoft Word (including .docx)
  • Adobe PDF
  • Rich Text (RTF)
  • Corel WordPerfect
  • HTML
  • MS Office HTML
  • Open Office (ODF)

Lever cannot parse information from image files (like JPG or PNG). A simple test to gauge if a file's content is parseable is to try highlight text in the document with your cursor. If you cannot highlight text, the document is likely not parseable. For scanned documents, we suggest downloading a program like Adobe Acrobat or using Google Drive to convert them into one of the file types above.

Troubleshooting resume parsing

If an uploaded resume fails to parse correctly, it may be due to one of the following factors:

  • The resume was imported via email or the Lever Chrome extension
  • The resume was attached to a candidate that was added to Lever via API

If resume parsing is not working, you can manually add information by typing it into the fields on a candidate's profile.

Candidate profile with arrows pointing to name, company, and contact information

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