Enabling and using the Checkr integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Lever's Checkr integration allows you to send candidates from Lever to Checkr in order to run a background check. This integration is designed to incorporate the background check process seamlessly into your recruitment workflow in Lever.

Enabling the Checkr integration


The following setup steps require Admin access in Checkr.

Step 1: Contact Checkr Support

Prior to enabling the integration, Checkr Support will need to verify that your Checkr account is properly configured to integrate with Lever. Click the following link to submit a ticket to Checkr Support: https://help.checkr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Step 2: Generate an API key in Checkr

Ensure that you are on your 'Live' Checkr instance (not 'Test) when you complete this step.

  • Navigate to Account Settings > Developer Settings
  • Click the Create Key + button and select Secret

Developer Settings page in Checkr with menu extended from Create Key button and arrow pointing to Secret option

Step 3: Activate the integration in Lever

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API, scroll to the 'Background and reference checks' section, and click the Checkr toggle
  • Click the Send Request to Enable button

Expanded Checkr integration tile in Lever Settings with arrow pointing to request to enable button.

  • A Lever Support representative will be notified of your request and will reach out to you via email to ask you to provide the following information:
    • The API key from your 'Live' Checkr instance (retrieved in Step 2)
    • The name of the default Checkr package that you wish to be applied to candidates that are sent from Lever to Checkr
    • The name of the pipeline stage in Lever that you wish to trigger a background check
      • You can also specify a stage that you wish for opportunities to be advanced to upon successful completion of a background check.
    • Authorization to configure the appropriate API key and webhook settings in your LeverTRM environment; note that modifying or disabling the API key and webhook settings after a Lever Support agent has configured them could cause the integration to stop working.
  • The Lever Support agent will send you a confirmation message when the Checkr integration has been successfully enabled in your LeverTRM environment with the information you provided; the Checkr toggle on the Integrations and API page of your Settings will also turn blue to indicate that the integration is active.

Sending candidates from Lever to Checkr

Once the integration is enabled, when an opportunity reaches the trigger stage in your pipeline a Checkr background check will be initiated for the candidate. Note that upon reaching the trigger stage, Lever only sends the name and email of the candidate to Checkr. Once a candidate has been sent to Checkr, their pending invite link will appear on the homepage of your Checkr dashboard.

Homepage of Checkr dashboard with pending invitations.

Background check operations

When their opportunity reaches the trigger stage, the candidate will receive an email via Checkr inviting them to initiate the background check. Once the invitation has been sent, an 'Invitation Pending' tag will be added to the opportunity on the candidate's profile in Lever. Once the candidate has completed the background check, the tag will change to read 'Invitation Completed.'

If no records were found in the background check, the tag will change to read 'Report Clear' and a gated link to the results will be added to the Links section on the candidate's profile in Lever. The link will only be accessible to authenticated Checkr users. If records were found (e.g. criminal records, traffic infractions, sex offender status), the tag will change to read 'Report Consider.'

Applying a specific background check package to a candidate

The background check package run for candidates sent from Lever to Checkr will be the default package that you specified during integration setup (see Step 3 above). However, there may be cases where you would like to run a specially designed background check for candidates applying to certain roles. For example, say you wanted to run a unique background check package only for applicants to your 'Account Executive' posting.

If you would like to run a background check package for a candidate other than the default package, you can do so by adding a unique tag to the opportunity on their profile in Lever before advancing the opportunity to the trigger stage. The format of the tag must include the prefix "bc_" and the name of the slug associated with the desired Checkr package written in all lowercase with underscores instead of spaces. When the opportunity is advanced to the trigger stage in Lever, the default package will be bypassed and the background check package associated with the slug would be run for that candidate instead. Contact your Checkr Customer Success Manager to request a list of slugs associated with your Checkr packages.

Close-up of candidate profile in Lever with bc_checkrdirect_account_exectuive tag.

Example of a tag added to an opportunity corresponding to the slug for a Checkr background check package


Include default package override tags on postings to have them automatically added to opportunities for candidates that apply to those postings. Using the example shown above, including the tag 'bc_checkrdirect_account_executive' on the Account Executive posting would add that tag to the opportunities of any candidates that apply to that posting, meaning they will automatically bypass the default Checkr package if their opportunity advances to the trigger stage.

Troubleshooting issues with the Checkr integration

Note that the integration is incompatible with Checkr's Account Hierarchy feature. If you have this feature enabled in your Checkr account, Lever will be unable to initiate background checks when candidates reach the trigger stage. To disable the Account Hierarchy feature, contact Checkr Support: https://help.checkr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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