Available for | Roles | Super Admin, Admin |
Permissions | • Manage job sites | |
Packages | All packages |
Every Lever environment comes with its own Lever-hosted job site, through which you can publish postings and receive applications. This out-of-the-box offering allows you to customize your Lever application form to totally personalize the application process. To learn more about your organization's job site refer to our help article on configuring your Lever-hosted job site.
Configuring the application form
From the 'Application' tab on the Job site page, you can review the personal information questions built-in to your site's application form. Note that updates made to your job site application form are universal, meaning they are reflected on every job posting. The following questions are included on every application form and cannot be deleted:
- Resume
- Full Name (required by default)
- Phone
- Current Location
- Current company
The 'Full Name' and 'Email' questions are required by default, however you can make the other personal information questions mandatory by clicking the asterisk (*) aligned to their right.
If you wish to give candidates the option to provide their preferred pronouns, click + Pronouns to add a pronouns field to your job site application form. Note, this field cannot be made mandatory. Unlike the other personal information questions, this field can be deleted. For more details, refer to our help article on using the candidate pronouns field.
Current Location
You can use the also use the ‘Current Location’ field to collect candidate location. This can be set as optionally compulsory and will be a default question that appears in future applications.
When someone applies to a job via the Lever job site (either external or internal) if they upload a resume, the ‘Current Location’ field will get auto populated with the candidate location from the resume.
If the resume is not provided, or if the location cannot be parsed, the user can use this field to manually select a location. As they start typing in, they will see matching locations from a drop down to select from.
If the applicant is a suspicious user (a bot), they will not be able to use the Current Location drop down unless they solve the hCaptcha puzzle.
Preferred Location
A preferred location question will automatically be added to all multi-location postings. Learn about multi-location configuration in our help article on creating and managing multi location job postings. You can configure this question in the Multiple location postings section.
- Make the question mandatory or not mandatory by clicking the asterisk (*) on the right.
- Click into the preferred location text box to update the question text. If you don't update the question text, the default preferred location question will be displayed.
When submitting the application form, applicants will choose a preferred location from a dropdown list.
Link Questions
Link questions are fields on your application form for candidates to add the URLs to relevant sites you request of them, such as their LinkedIn or Github profiles. To add link questions to your application form:
- Navigate to Settings > Job Site
- Go to the 'Application Form' tab and scroll to 'Link Questions'
- Click + Add link question
- Enter the name of the desired link in the field
You can rearrange the order of your link questions by dragging and dropping them in whatever order you prefer. Please be sure to click Save Changes after updating your custom link questions.
On the applicant form, the word "URL" will be appended to the link name you chose in order to make the request clear to your applicants.
Configuring custom application questions
Users with Manage Job Sites permissions can create and edit custom questions. Learn how custom application questions can be added to job postings by your Lever users in our help article on adding custom application questions to job postings.
To configure new custom questions:
- Click the + Edit questions option that appears in custom application questions section of the job posting editor, OR
- Navigate to Settings > Job Site > Application form
- In the Custom Questions section, click + Add Custom Questions
A custom questions editor will appear.
- Add a custom questions name.
- Flip the Responses are made secret by default toggle to the 'On' position if you wish the for the applicants' answers to be secret. When this setting is enabled, only users with the appropriate Sensitive Information Privileges will be able to see the responses to the question.
- Type your question and choose a question type from the dropdown menu.
- Click the asterisk red to make the question required.
Available question types are:
- Text (Single line)
- Text (Paragraph)
- Dropdown
- File upload
- Multiple choice
- Checkboxes
- University picker
If you require candidates to submit a cover letter or resume, prompt them to do so using a file upload question. Files uploaded via the file upload question type can be a maximum of 100 MB. If you require candidates to submit a video as part of their application, we recommend prompting them to do so using a single line text question type with instructions to input a link to their video in the field.
If you have multiple questions that are always asked together, create them as part of the same question set by clicking the + Add Another Question button in the question editor. For example, in the image below, the two questions shown in the question editor will be added to a posting whenever the 'Academic Publications' custom question set is selected. Use the up and down arrows on the question tiles to rearrange the order of questions in a set.
When you have created your question(s), click the Save Changes button and then click the 'X' to close the question editor. The saved question(s) will appear on the posting.
Removing custom application questions from your LeverTRM environment
Users with Manage Job Sites permissions can remove custom application questions (or question sets) from your LeverTRM environment. Note that doing so will remove the question (or question set) from any job postings in which it is used and it will no longer appear in the list of available custom application questions. To do so:
- Open a job posting containing the question and click the question tile to open the editor.
- Click the ellipses (⋯) button and select Delete.
Bulk deleting Custom Application Questions
You can bulk delete a set of question groups. This will update all active (and non active postings alike, like drafts). Be careful when deleting questions in bulk, as published jobs that use that question will also be deleted. Any answers received from applications prior to deletion will continue to be accessible in opportunities.
To bulk delete:
- Navigate to Job Site Settings Page > Application Form tab > CAQ section.
- Select the checkboxes for the question groups you want to delete.
- Click the Delete button
- Click the Delete questions button in the confirmation modal
Searching custom application questions
You can search by custom application question groups to easily find groups of questions you want to delete or update. The search looks for matching title text to retrieve results.
You can see who was the last user in the company to edit a question in a question group in the ‘Last Edit’ column. The 'Last Edited’ column is updated on a going-forward basis after February 2024. The Postings column list the number of job postings in which the Custom Application Question group is included, and the Questions column indicates the number of questions in the group.
To see a list of postings that use a Custom Application Questions group:
- Click the hyperlinks in the Postings column
You will be taken to the Jobs page filtered for a list of postings that use the Custom Application Question group. You will see the question group selected in the Custom application questions filter in the left-hand menu.
It may happen that you click on the hyperlinked number under Postings in the Job Site Settings page and see 0 relevant jobs that has the specific Custom Application Questions group. This may be due to the question group appearing for a job that is in draft or has been closed. Simply click on ‘Draft’ or ‘Closed’ jobs from the sidebar menu in Jobs and the right jobs should appear.
You can filter by different questions with the Custom application questions filter in the left-hand menu. Learn more about filtering the Jobs page in our help article on navigating the Jobs section.
Exporting custom application questions and responses
The ability to export custom application questions and responses is available on all LeverTRM packages. For customers on Lever's legacy editions, Lever Professional and Lever Enterprise support the ability to export custom application questions and responses. |
Users that with Super Admin level access (or those that have had export permissions configured by a Super Admin) can export a CSV file containing custom application question sets and candidates' responses. To do so, navigate to the Reports section your Lever environment, scroll to the Exports header in the left-side navigation menu and select Feedback and forms. Scroll to Forms data export, select the Choose specific forms option in the first field, and then select the custom question (or question set) that you wish to export responses for from the menu that appears.
Alternatively, you can select All forms in the first field and then filter the exported CSV for responses to specific questions.
Exporting custom application questions and responses from Visual Insights
Visual Insights is Lever's updated in-app analytics interface. To export custom application questions and responses from Visual Insights, click the exports icon (⇩) in the left-side navigation, select Feedback from the exports menu, and then run a Forms data export as described above.